STOCKHOLMIA 2019 - Set of two Catalogues (Vol. 1 + Vol. 2) softbound

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 - Set of two Catalogues (Vol. 1 + Vol. 2) softbound

Jonas Hälström, Wolfgang Maassen a.o.

The reasonable softcover version as a set of both catalogues for only 35 Euro

Review of Contents
The reviewer cannot remember a second philatelic exhibition for which two such extensive catalogues - one could rather speak of reference books - have appeared. With a total of almost 800 pages, these are available in two versions (soft and hardcover) and set standards in philatelic literature. Numerous advertisers and a great sponsor, namely Alan Holyoake from Great Britain, have made it possible for them to be sold so cheaply. Making the best of it was an obligation for those responsible for this mammoth work - Jonas Hällström for volume 1, Wolfgang Maassen for volume 2.
A unique exhibition catalogue (Catalogue 1)
Catalogue 1, the so-called “Exhibition Catalogue”, already offers more than what is usual for such international events. Of course you will find the complete event programme and the list of exhibitors (with a brief description of all exhibits) in it. The organisation team, the jury and the trade will be introduced. Particularly worth reading, however, are the specialist sections, especially for the actual “birthday child” - the Royal Philatelic Society London will be exactly 150 years old in 2019! - but also Swedish philately.
Christopher G. Harman introduces the patrons of the “Royal”, as the club is briefly called. Karl Louis recalls the historical postal reform of 1839/40 with an extensive review of almost 20 pages, Brian Birch reminds us of the “Fathers of Philately”, Jon Aitchison recalls the “Roll of Distinguished Philatelists” and even the congresses of British Philately receive their appreciation.
In a separate chapter, readers experience insights into the London club that have hardly ever been offered in this density before. Eight original contributions describe the agile life of this admirable association, which is anything but antiquated, dusty or obsolete. Mårten Sundberg, a professional journalist from Finland, proves exactly the opposite with his 40-page report. You learn a lot of things you didn't know: about the museum, the library, the collections, the committee of experts and much more. Sundberg's title “The Center of the Philatelic World” will be easier to understand if you have read this truly unique article.
Back to Sweden. Bengt Bengtsson describes the tradition of large and important philatelic exhibitions in Sweden, Göran Heijtz documents the postal history of Stockholm and Tomas Bjäringer and Jonas Hällström contribute a study about originals and forgeries of the 20/Tretio Öre misprint.
With its 430 large-format pages, perfectly laid out and richly illustrated, this catalogue is already a highlight. Not to forget the extensive presentation of the unique exhibits in the “Court of Honour”. Exquisite world rarities of philately compete with the collection shown by Alan Holyoake on the “Dawn of Philately”, which goes back to the early years of Great Britain. All this can be enjoyed and admired in this catalogue, as long as you do not visit STOCKHOLMIA 2019 yourself. How beautiful can philately be? The catalogue gives a clear answer. And with a unit price of 20 euros for this heavyweight exhibition catalogue, the acquisition hurdle should be easy to overcome.
An exquisite library catalogue (Volume 2)
Volume 2, the so-called “Library Catalogue”, is a comparable “unique specimen” (a term that philatelists are familiar with, since it characterizes “uniqueness”). The name of the catalogue sounds dry and uninviting at first, but this book written by Wolfgang Maassen unfolds its fascination while reading. For one does not only receive profound insights into the philatelic literature published by the “Royal” since 1873 (!), but also well-founded overviews of the titles which the association has awarded with the famous Crawford Literature Medal. Anyone who believes that something like this can also be found on the Internet is quickly misled. What the author documents here - including over 1,300 photos! - are so far unpublished data and facts with short book descriptions, which are however substantial. This book corrects many completely inadequate and incomplete lists, but it also encourages you to collect literature and enjoy its value and beauty.
The reader will be amazed to find out what all counts to the literature of this London Nobel club. Not only the well-known monographs, whose early titles are all rarities today. These include supplements to the association's own magazine “The London Philatelist”, reprints of articles, handouts to displays and meeting lectures at the Society, but also exhibition catalogues and electronic media for which “Royal” is responsible. Mårten Sundberg contributed a list of all known “handouts”, at least considerably more than 800, a list, which have not yet existed in this completeness.

Preis35,00 €
inkl. 7% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten (Paket bis 5 kg), Lieferzeiten

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